Zabbix Monitoring

Put simply, the term “IT monitoring” refers to any processes and tools you use to determine if your organization’s IT equipment and digital services are working properly. Monitoring helps to detect and help resolve problems — all sorts of problems.

The Zabbix monitoring tool is used to provide the monitoring metrics and monitor the network utilization, consumption of disk space, and CPU load. The tool supports various operating systems such as Mac OS, Solaris, Linux, and many more. It uses a different database to store the data and monitor the applications.

Zabbix is a mature and effortless enterprise-class open source monitoring solution for network and application monitoring of millions of metrics.

Zabbix monitoring

Benefits of Zabbix

Straightforward to deploy

Zabbix servers are straightforward to deploy. They run on a Windows box, Linux box, or even in Docker containers.


They are scalable and robust and don’t need too many resources.

Easy to intergrate

Due to its open framework, you easily integrate Zabbix into other front-end platforms like Grafana.

Supports various operating systems

The tool supports various operating systems such as Mac OS, Solaris, Linux, and many more. It uses a different database to store the data and monitor the applications.

Another number in the queue? Thanks, but no thanks. Our staff works closely with you and offers full transparency throughout the process – from planning to execution. You’ll never feel alone when working with Piros because we care about your success as much as ours!

We are proud to say that we are the first and the only IT provider in Belgium that covers the full Red Hat portfolio Our choice to work exclusively with Red Hat is well-considered. That’s why our staff can tackle any challenge, as they have become true experts throughout the years.

Customer case

Zabbix monitoring

To ensure that thousands of trains run safely and smoothly on our railways every day, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes. The Belgian railway manager Infrabel is responsible for a key part of this work. It not only manages the actual railway infrastructure but also the IT infrastructure that supports the rail network. “With a tool like Zabbix we can monitor our IT infrastructure in a flexible, automated way, so that it remains up and running 24/7.”

Why choose Piros?

How we can help you

Our services


If you are stuck with your migration or setting up Zabbix, we audit your environment and advise you on best practices.

02. Implementation

We are happy to help with your move to Zabbix, from a technical perspective and a strategic and managerial stance.

02. Maintenance

Our staff is eager to maintain Zabbix for a completely worry-free experience.

04. Training

We regularly organize hands-on labs, where you get a grasp of its many features. Customized (on-site or virtual) training is possible too.


Let’s talk about your challenges.




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