Ansible Automation Platform

With its holistic approach, IT automation helps you get rid of repetitive, manual processes. It allows teams to be more productive, reduce errors, and improve collaboration.

Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform is a foundation for building and operating automation across your organization. The platform includes all the necessary tools to implement enterprise-wide automation. Use IT automation for provisioning, configuration management, orchestration, application deployment, security, and compliance.

Embarking on the journey towards fully optimized automation is a progressive endeavour. Transitioning from manual Day 2 operations and makeshift fixes to a unified, integrated automation platform demands a deliberate strategic effort. This decision shapes not only your present but also your future business outcomes. Let us support you!

With the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, you unlock the potential to enhance efficiency, bolster security, and tackle burgeoning IT complexities such as skill shortages and technology proliferation. It empowers you to:

  • Ensure uniform, dependable automation across various domains and scenarios
  • Capitalize on the value inherent in your existing technology and resources
  • Lay a robust groundwork for the integration of artificial intelligence
Ansible Automation platform

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Tech consultants are increasingly seeing Red Hat Ansible as a kind of Swiss Army knife. The tool has an answer to almost every question. Ansible can bring benefits across a very diverse range of areas: when it comes to infrastructure automation, it can tackle everything from configuration management to monitoring security compliance.

Benefits of Ansible

Accelerate automation with confidence

Ansible Automation Platform offers powerful features and enterprise support to extend your investment. Remove organizational barriers and accelerate your automation.

Mitigate risk

Security is a differentiator with Ansible Automation. You gain an enterprise-hardened platform with 24×7 support, performance testing and bug fixes, and development practices with added security.

Return on investment

Using Ansible Automation could see, you will get a 5-year ROI of 667%, a 10-month payback on investment, and an annual revenue increase of US$1.9 million.

Benefit from a strong customer base

Ansible Automation Platform is trusted by more than 3,000 global customers across every industry.

Another number in the queue? Thanks, but no thanks. Our staff works closely with you and offers full transparency throughout the process – from planning to execution. You’ll never feel alone when working with Piros because we care about your success as much as ours!

We are proud to say that we are the first and the only IT provider in Belgium that covers the full Red Hat portfolio Our choice to work exclusively with Red Hat is well-considered. That’s why our staff can tackle any challenge, as they have become true experts throughout the years.

Why choose Piros?

How we can help you

Our services


Are you eager to start with Ansible automation? We are happy to assess your current inventory. On top of that, we advise you on the best way to move forward, we write your playbooks, and more!

02. Implementation

Are you stuck with your automation? With setting up your Ansible playbooks? Let us implement Ansible for you and advise you on best practices..

02. Maintenance

Do you like a worry-free experience? Let us maintain your Ansible environment.

04. Training

We do hands-on labs, where you get a grasp of the many features of Ansible (Tower) in an interactive way. Customized (on-site or virtual) training is also possible.


Let’s talk about your challenges.




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